
jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020

Summer plans

 Summer plans

Hello dear readers, I hope you are well 😉 
This week we will talk about our plans for this summer.

The end of the semester is almost over! I'm very excited because to be honest the online classes have exhausted me and I plan on my summer holiday to rest and sleep a lot hahaha.

Because of the pandemic I don't know if I will be able to travel. If I could travel, I would go visit my aunt and uncle in Melipeuco, which is located in the Araucania region. This is a very nice place with lots of vegetation and animals. I can take advantage of different activities there such as horseback riding, visiting parks, helping to run the restaurant my uncles have, etc. 


Another option would be to go to La Serena (IV region) with my family. There I would enjoy the sea breeze, take advantage of the sun and the family time. It is very entertaining. 

I have a few other options up my sleeve, but first we have to see if the pandemic allows us to do so. I like to travel a lot and not to do so would make me very sad. However, I understand the global context and would make the sacrifice to keep the pandemic a little more under control.

If I don't travel I would like to work part time in any place where I am offered a job, it would be a very good opportunity to save money.

What are you doing this summer?

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi Javier, With the context it is very difficult to make decisions and make plans, since we must prioritize our health, however I hope you can rest from online classes and sleep a lot (I will do the same)

  2. Hello Javier, unfortunately the context of the pandemic prevents going out during the summer,
    but I hope you can visit your uncles in Melipeuco.

  3. Hi Javier, the pandemic doesn't let us do much this summer, but like you I hope I can save money. However, if conditions permit, I think going to La Serena is an excellent plan, as it is a beautiful place to vacation. I hope the cure comes soon!

  4. Hi Javier, the pandemic is ugly for our summer. I hope you can go to anywhere with your family. Regards<3

  5. Hi Javier. Both of your options sound great. I've been in La Serena, and it is, in fact, a very funny place. I don't know if it would be the best destiny in this particular context though. Unless the vaccine comes out soon, maybe you should aim for Melipeuco, where you and your family would be more isolated, therefore more safe. Greetings :D

  6. Hi Javier, I think the pandemic ruin everyones vacations:(, but I hope it ends soon to be able to travel and relax.

  7. Hello Javier, i agree that the pandemic it's a obstacle to the summer plans. Actually i prefer urbanized places but Melipeuco looks interesting.


Summer plans

The country that I would like to know