jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

My future job

 My future job

Hello dear readers, I hope you are feeling very well today. Today we will talk about our ideal work.

For me my dream job is one that allows me to help people, to be honest I still don't know in which public institution I would like to work, but I am sure that I like to help people.

Obviously, like everyone else I imagine a workplace where there is a good working atmosphere, with good colleagues and where the working day is not long. I want to work to live, not live to work.

It would be a dream come true if the work that I do would allow me to travel a lot like this while I work also know more places that will certainly be beautiful.

Now I am studying public administration, it is a university career that offers a great work field so I have options. As I said before I like to help people and a public administrator tries to deliver solutions to social demands. The salary is not a millionaire, but while I managed to buy a house I am happy hahaha I think the dream of a house of my own is my greatest wish.

What is your ideal job?

2 comentarios:

  1. hello javier, it's a very interesting job i think, to be honest i see you in that kind of jobs, i don't know why actually but i do XD

  2. Hello Javier, I think many of us share that intention, to be able to help the communities that need it through fair public policies. I hope you can work in a place like the one you dream of, and get that house, of course :) Cheers


Summer plans

The country that I would like to know