martes, 13 de octubre de 2020

The country i'd like to know

Good afternoon dear readers. We are here again in a new website with different entertaining activities. Very similar to those of last semester.

Well in this opportunity I will talk about which country I would like to travel to. The reality is that I would like to know many countries. My dream is to get to know all of Latin America, most of Europe and I would even like to get to know countries in the Asian continent. Personally, I would not like to visit the United States because I do not like its culture or its way of life.

But if I were to choose a country I would love to visit Spain. I love the culture, the architecture of the streets, the impressive history that this country has. It also has wonderful landscapes and I think that the society is much more evolved than in Chile.


One of the cities that I would like to travel to and perhaps live in for a semester would be the city of Granada and study at the University of Granada.  I believe, that I can do a semester of study there and I would love to be able to live that opportunity. It would be a dream.

University of Granada

Which country would you like to visit?

7 comentarios:

  1. Granada sounds exciting. They said it's a pretty safe city, it has really low crime rates besides the cost of living is relatively low. It's seems to be a good choice for study.

  2. Hi, I hope your desire to study at the University of Granada is fulfilled, and I also believe that Spain is much more advanced than Chile, I hope that changes soon.

  3. Hi Javier, i would like to study in another university (obviously in another country) too. i hope you can do it. Regards.

  4. Hi Javier, Spain is one of those countries which i really would like to live and study, i think that is a very nice country.

  5. Hi Javier, I have heard interesting things about Spain, especially the architecture of their cities. I hope you can study at the University of Granada. Regards!

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Hi Javier. Luckyly, I've been to Spain. Based on what I've experienced, I can tell you another great advantage about Spain is that almost every city has lots of night life. So you'd have a lots of fun :D


Summer plans

The country that I would like to know