miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020

Mi favourite holiday

 My favourite holiday

Hello dear readers, today I want to talk about the best holiday of my life.

To be honest all my holidays have been wonderful, I always enjoy to know new places and share with my family and friends in any place. But so far my best holiday was this year when I traveled to Chiloé.

In January 2020 I travelled for 3 weeks to the island of Chiloé, I went with my scout group to this wonderful island so that the little ones could get to
know the beautiful landscapes of this place and also the people who live there.

I am a monitor of a unit called "Ruta" in a scout gr
oup. In this unit, young people of 15 and 16 are taught to know themselves, enhancing their skills and knowing their weaknesses. All year round we work to raise money to make this trip possible. We attended the trip 5 monitors and 8 young " ruteros " once they arrived at the island "Mochiliamos" by the place. On the trip we met some very friendly people, the chilotes welcomed us very well, they lent us their yard so that we could camp in peace, they gave us good food and advised us on which places to visit.

It was a beautiful experience because on the trip we were able 
to connect with nature and ourselves. There were also some very funny events that I will remember forever. Also during the trip I turned 19 so I celebrated my birthday with friends on the island. It was a very good day.

If you ever go to the island I recommend you go to Lake Hullinco, it's a wonderful place.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Javier! I hope you are well, I find your publication very interesting. I have never had the opportunity to visit the island of Chiloé but I would certainly like to do so, if I do one day I will take into account your recommendation :) kisses

  2. Hello Javier, what a beautiful experience, having celebrated your birthday there, how great. Since I saw the TV series La Fiera that I would like to visit that place (xddd). Anyway, it is a very beautiful place in our country, it is an obligatory destination, one day I will travel there. Greetings.

  3. Hello Javier, that was a beautiful experience, im happy for you<3 Chiloé is a beautiful place.

  4. Hello Javier. I also like experiences that involve connecting with nature. Celebrating your birthday on a trip with friends sounds great. I've red great storys about Chiloé from others classmates and some friends. I hope I can visit this place someday. Greetings

  5. Hi Javier! I hope you are fine :) I think is amazing that you could to go with yoor scout group, because is a particular experience that maybe is one in the life haha I'm so happy that you enjoyed a lot specially because you had a beautiful birthday!. I remember that when I was a child I went to Chiloé but I don't remember to much :(


Summer plans

The country that I would like to know