jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2020


Hello dear readers, today we will talk about our favourite film. 

Personally, I don't have any favourite films, nor any favourite food. In fact, I don't have anything favourite that will last me forever.

But if I had to choose one movie to watch forever it would be Insidious. It's a horror saga about a child trapped in limbo in the underworld so that his body was alive but without a spirit, as he had no spirit there were evil spirits wanting to possess his body. It is a very good film with a surprising story. If you're looking for a film with a good plot and horror I recommend you see this one. 

I really like horror films and TV series. I like the feeling of being afraid. It's fun even though I sometimes have nightmares hahaha. 
I also enjoy comedy, love and drama films. The last drama film I saw was Little Women. I read the book some time ago and recently learned about the new cast of this film and I am fascinated by it. I recommend you see it, it's a love drama with a first-rate cast.

this scene was very scary for me 

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Manuel, i really like horror movies and i heard a lot of good comments about insidious, should be a great movie!

  2. Hello Javier, Little Women is a really good movie. I've heard about Insidious, maybe I'll see it later. Greetings!


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